Managing Innovative Thinking + Design

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Design Council UK

About Design: Postcards
A design knowledge resource written by world experts

A look at why the UK needs design and a report on the Design Council's work across business, the public sector and the design industry

Design in technology research
Six designers have teamed up with six researchers to see how design can speed technology's journey from the lab to the marketplace. This report describes what happened.

Red Paper 01 Health - Co-creating Services
A new 'co-creation' approach to health care is set out in this paper from the Design Council's RED unit.

The Business of Design
In-depth research on the UK's design industry providing detailed data on everything from scale and economic clout to education and skills.

The Impact of School Learning Environments - A Literature Review
An overview of academic research commissioned for the Design Council's Learning Environments Campaign.

The Practical Power of Design
This brochure outlines the Design Council's new strategy and explains how we are putting our plans into action.

Design in Britain 2004-2005
The more businesses use design, the more successful they're likely to be. That's the clear message from Design in Britain 2004-2005.

Platform & Incubator: Helping realise creative entrepreneurship
Distilling the lessons from two initiatives to broaden design students' understanding of business issues.


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